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You can install SNNAX from PyPI using pip:

pip install snnax

Or you can install the latest version from GitHub using pip:

pip install git+

This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.3.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold, see the docs.


The following packages need to be installed to use SNNAX:

  • Python 3.9+
  • JAX 0.4.13+
  • Equinox 0.11.1+.

These dependencies are automatically installed if SNNAX is installed using the pip command.

Validate installation

To confirm that snnax has been installed, you can use:

pip list | grep snnax

the output will be similar to:



import equinox as eqx
import snnax.snn as snn

# Define the network layers
layers = [
eqx.nn.Linear(16, 16),
snn.LIF([.95, .85]),

eqx.nn.Linear(16, 2),
snn.LIF([.95, .85])

# Define the graph structure
graph = snn.GraphStructure(
4, [[0],[],[],[]], [3], [[], [0], [1], [2]]

# Create the stateful model
model = snn.StatefulModel(graph, layers)

# Print the model to confirm it's been created