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SNNAX provides helper functions to facilitate the development of custom layers and models. These functions are classified into the following categories:


The spiking module contains predefined Spike threshold functions for with custom surrogate gradients. the available functions are:


The piecewise_surrogate function is the simplest surrogate gradient which is a hat function with a fixed width 2beta. The gradient of the surrogate function is given by:

fx={1if βxβ0otherwise\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } -\beta \leq x \leq \beta \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}


  • xx is the input to the surrogate function.
  • x˙\dot{x} is the tangent of the input, representing the gradient with respect to xx.


  • beta (float): The width of the hat function.


The superspike_surrogate function implements a surrogate gradient for approximating the spike function with a smooth function. This method is based on the work of Zenke and Vogels. The gradient of the surrogate function is given by:

fx=1βx+1Lx\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \frac{1}{\beta \cdot |x| + 1} \cdot \frac{\partial L}{\partial x}


  • beta (float): The width of the hat function.


The sigmoid_surrogate function implements a surrogate gradient based on the sigmoid function. This method is based on the work of Zenke and Vogels The gradient of the surrogate function is given by:

fx=σ(βx)(1βσ(βx))Lx\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \sigma( \beta x) \cdot (1 - \beta \cdot \sigma(\beta x)) \cdot \frac{\partial L}{\partial x}


  • beta (float): The parameter for the sigmoid function.

    For numerical stability, only beta = 1.0 is supported.


The forward module contains functions to evaluate the model.


  • layers (Sequence[eqx.Module]): A sequence containing the Equinox modules and SNNAX stateful models in the network order.
  • struct (GraphStructure): A GraphStructure object that specifies the network topology.
  • key (PRNGKey): Random key for the computation.
  • states (Sequence[Array]): Initial states of the model.
  • data (Sequence[Array]): Batch of input data.


The default_forward_fn function computes the forward pass through the layers in a straight-through manner, i.e. every layer takes the input from the last layer at the same time step. The layers are traversed in the order specified by the connectivity graph.





This function is not implemented yet.

The debug_forward_fn function computes the forward pass through the layers in a delayed manner, i.e. every layer takes the input from the last layer at the last time step. This means that the output of the last layer at the last timestep has to be saved which incurs a bigger memory usage. The layers are traversed in the order specified by the connectivity graph.