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To customize a model's architecture, SNNAX provides a simple way to define the structure of the model.

SNNAX offers two primary methods for defining the architecture:


The StatefulModel class enables the creation of custom SNNs with nearly arbitrary connectivity, defined through a graph structure known as the connectivity graph. It inherits from eqx.Module to be a callable pytree.


  • graph_structure (GraphStructure): A GraphStructure object that specifies the network topology.
  • layers (Sequence[eqx.Module]): The computational building blocks of the model.
  • forward_fn (Callable): The evaluation procedure/loop for the model. Defaults to default_forward_fn.


  • init_state(in_shape, shapes=None, key=PRNGKey): Initializes the state of the model by recursively calling the init functions of the stateful layers. Non-stateful layers are initialized as None and their output shape is computed using a mock input.

    • Arguments:

      • in_shape (Union[Sequence[Tuple[int]], Tuple[int]]): Shape of the input.
      • shapes (Union[Sequence[Tuple[int]], None]): Optional shapes for the layers.
      • key (PRNGKey): Random key for initialization.
    • Returns: Sequence[Array] containing the initial state of the model.

  • __call__(input_states, input_batch, key, burnin=0): The forward function that performs the actual computation when the model is called. Uses lax.scan to iterate over the layers.

    • Arguments:

      • input_states (Sequence[jnp.ndarray]): Initial states of the model.
      • input_batch: Batch of input data.
      • key (jrand.PRNGKey): Random key for the computation.
      • burnin (int): Number of initial steps to ignore in backpropagation.
    • Returns: Tuple containing the new states and outputs.


1. Custom topology

First, define the layers, which can be from the equinox library or SNNAX's snnax.snn.layers.

from snnax import snn
import equinox as eqx

layers = [
eqx.Linear(10, 20),

Next, define the GraphStructure object, which contains meta-information about the computational graph.

graph_structure = snn.GraphStructure(
input_layer_ids=[[0], [], []],
input_connectivity=[[2], [0], [1]]

Finally, create the StatefulModel object by passing the graph_structure and layers as arguments.

model = snn.StatefulModel(

The model architecture will be as follows:

2. Custom Class

You can also create a custom class by inheriting from StatefulModel and defining the __init__, init_state or __call__ methods.

class CustomModel(snn.StatefulModel):
def __init__(self):

# Custom __init__ method
GraphStructure = snn.GraphStructure(
input_layer_ids=[[0], []],
input_connectivity=[[], [0]]
layers = [
eqx.Linear(10, 20),
super().__init__(graph_structure, layers)

def init_state(self, in_shape, shapes=None, key=PRNGKey):

# Custom initialization
return super().init_state(in_shape, shapes, key)

def __call__(self, input_states, input_batch, key, burnin=0):

# Custom forward pass
return super().__call__(input_states, input_batch, key, burnin)

model = CustomModel()


The GraphStructure class contains meta-information about the computational graph and is used with the StatefulModel class to construct a computational model.


  • num_layers (int): The number of layers in the model.
  • input_layer_ids (Sequence[Sequence[int]]): Indices of the layers that receive external input.
  • final_layer_ids (Sequence[int]): Indices of the layers whose outputs are desired.
  • input_connectivity (Sequence[Sequence[int]]): Specifies how the layers are connected to each other.


graph_structure = snn.GraphStructure(
input_layer_ids=[[0], [], [], [0, 1], []],
input_connectivity=[[], [0, 2], [1], [2, 3], [3]]

The resulting model architecture is: